What are These Holes in the Lawn and Garden?


Your dog isn’t the only one that can dig holes in your yard. In fact, you may come across many holes, whether they be big or small, many or few. Before rushing out to fill them back in, you should first identify what is causing those holes in the yard so you can solve each problem the right way.

The holes that you are more likely to notice are the bigger ones, but you should regularly keep an eye out for any other signs of digging, tunneling, feeding, or disturbing your yard. Larger, open holes can indicate one thing, while smaller open holes indicate another. Other pests may not leave a clearly visible hole, but might roll up sod or create a mound of dirt above the surface.

Most holes that you find can be caused by rodents such as moles, gophers, voles or rats. Smaller holes can be made by pests like ground wasps, or even birds that feed on insects. Filling the hole immediately will only solve the problem temporarily, as those pests are likely to continue digging to create a comfortable home.

When finding a hole, look for other signs nearby that might help identify the cause. If there are rodent droppings with chewed grass clippings, then you will have a vole. Finding grass blades in the tunnel could indicate a gopher. A raised mound of soil is actually a cover for a hole, usually created by a mole. 

Moles can be repelled by placing castor oil pellets in their holes, or placing fabric softener sheets or peppermint oil in the burrows to force them out. For gophers, there are natural repellents that can keep them away, such as planting marigolds, shallots, daffodils, or garlic.

Insects can spend all winter underground and then emerge when the seasons transition, and it gets warmer. As they emerge, they leave behind small holes. Some wasps dig small holes, especially when the grass is short. Ants and termites might also dig small holes in the ground, and if they get out of control, then you need to treat the area to prevent extensive damage.

When identifying these holes, size does play an important factor, but so does location. Again, small rodents and insects are likely to make those holes in your lawn. Birds can make holes in both sod and soil as they search for food, and earthworms will make small holes to aerate the soil. 

If you can eliminate obvious causes and holes persist, then you may need to focus on the site. You can attempt to treat certain areas to drive away or prevent some pests from digging, or use other deterrents to stop the problem before it gets out of hand.

Holes in your lawn and garden can be more than just an eyesore. They could cause irreparable harm to your yard, or might even be early signs of infestation. For more information on what might cause the holes in your yard and how to prevent them, call Van Den Berge Pest Control today at 616-392-7367.

Trust the locally owned, widely renowned experts at Van Den Berge Pest Control for all of your pest needs. With over 100 years of combined experience throughout the Holland, MI-based pest control team, you know you’re in excellent hands with our state-certified experts.

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