Maybe you’ve been outside on a muggy summer night, only to have your evening ruined by a mosquito bite. Or maybe you’ve woken up to find your arm covered in red welts from an unknown insect. Whether we like it or not, bugs are a part of our lives. But thankfully, we have bug sprays to help keep them at bay. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about bug sprays: what they are and how they work. So, the next time you plan a picnic or head out on a hike you’re prepared for anything the bugs might throw your way.
What’s In Bug Spray?
A bug spray is a chemical-based insecticide that is typically used to repel or kill mosquitoes, ticks, and other insects. Many bug sprays contain DEET, a synthetic compound that has been effective at repelling insects. Bug sprays are typically used outdoors and can apply to clothes, skin, or both. When using a bug spray, it is important to follow the instructions on the label carefully in order to avoid contact with the eyes or mouth. Bug spray can be an effective way to protect yourself from insect-borne diseases, but it is not foolproof. In addition to using bug spray, you should also take steps to avoid areas where insects congregate.
How Does Bug Spray Work?
When you use bug spray, you’re actually using a pesticide. Pesticides are chemicals that are used to kill living things, like bugs. There are different types of pesticides, but most bug sprays contain pyrethroids. Pyrethroids are synthetic versions of a naturally-occurring chemical called pyrethrin, which is found in the chrysanthemum flower. Pyrethroids work by disrupting an insect’s nervous system. They bind to the voltage-gated sodium channels in the insect’s nerve cells, which prevents the nerve cells from firing properly. This eventually leads to the insect’s paralysis and death.
Some bug sprays also contain piperonyl butoxide, which is a synergist. A synergist is a compound that enhances the effect of another compound. Here, piperonyl butoxide helps to increase the toxicity of the pyrethroids. It does this by inhibiting the activity of enzymes that break down pesticides in the insect’s body. As a result, more pesticide stays in the insect’s body for a longer period, which makes it fatal.
Are Bug Sprays Safe (for Humans)?
Bug sprays work by releasing a fine mist of chemicals that repel or kill insects. The active ingredients in bug spray can include natural substances like lemon grass oil or synthetic chemicals like DEET. When you use bug spray, the chemicals create a barrier on your skin or clothing that bugs can’t penetrate. Bug sprays are safe to use when applied as directed, but it’s important to avoid inhaling the mist and to wash your hands after applying the spray. You should also avoid spraying it directly on your face.
If you’re using bug spray with DEET, be sure to read the label carefully and follow the directions for how often to reapply the spray. You may think that spraying bug spray around your home will take care of any potential pest infestation, but that’s not always the case. In fact, it’s often best to call in a professional pest control company to handle the situation. The experts at Van Den Berge Pest Control have been voted the Best of West Michigan Pest Control companies for eight years in a row, your home is in good hands. Call us at 616-392-7367 to discuss your needs.
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