As Michiganders, we must be aware of our surroundings, especially when engaging in outdoor activities, and remain informed about the presence of ticks and their ability to transmit Lyme disease. Lyme disease is a debilitating sickness caused by a bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi, transmitted to humans via a bite by infected ticks.
Ticks can be found anywhere in Michigan, from bustling cities to remote rural areas. Although not all tick species can transmit Lyme disease, it is important to understand which ones are most likely to cause it. This knowledge will enable you to protect yourself, your family, and your pets from these tiny arachnids.
Van Den Berge Pest Control understands the importance of keeping our clients up to date on tick-borne illnesses in Michigan. We have the expertise and experience to keep your home and yard tick-free after being named West Michigan’s Best Pest Control Company for eight consecutive years.
Lyme Disease Carrying Ticks
There are several tick species found in Michigan. Still, two, in particular, are known to carry Lyme disease – the black-legged tick (Ixodes scapularis) and the western black-legged tick (Ixodes pacificus). In the eastern United States, the black-legged tick is the primary carrier of this disease, whereas the tick of the west is common in the west of United States. These species are commonly found in wooded areas or tall grasses; therefore, it is critical to exercise extreme caution when hiking or camping.
Both species are found in Michigan and pose a serious threat to residents and visitors, but the black-legged tick (also called the deer tick) is the most commonly known to carry Lyme disease. This species is common in the state’s wooded areas, where it feeds on the blood of mammals like deer, mice, and humans. The black-legged tick is about the size of a sesame seed and is distinguished by its black and brown color.
Lyme disease is caused by a bacterial infection spread to humans when bitten by an infected tick. It can cause symptoms like fever, headache, fatigue, muscle and joint aches, and a distinctive bull’s-eye rash. Untreated Lyme disease can cause severe symptoms such as heart palpitations, neurological issues, and arthritis.
It is critical to understand that not all black-legged ticks carry Lyme disease. However, precautions must be taken to avoid being bitten by this tick, as this is the most effective way to prevent getting Lyme disease in the first place. Here are some precautions you can take to avoid coming into contact with ticks:
- Wear clothing with light colors. This makes it easier to spot ticks on your clothing.
- Wear long pants and sleeves when spending time outdoors, in places like wooded areas or tall grasses. Ticks are less likely to bite you if your skin is covered. Tucking in your shirt and wearing high socks or boots can also help to keep ticks from reaching your skin.
- Use tick repellent. Repellents containing DEET or permethrin effectively keep ticks away from your skin.
- Stay on well-groomed trails. Ticks are commonly found in tall grass, so avoiding these areas is best.
- Check yourself and your pets regularly. Ticks are tiny, and it’s easy to miss one attached to your skin.
- Head to the bathroom straightaway to wash off any unattached ticks.
- You can also create a tick-free zone around your home by removing the leaf litter and tall grass and trimming your lawn.
However, you can never be too cautious; if you see a tick on your skin, remove it immediately. To get rid of a tick, use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick aiming closely at the skin and gently pulling it out. You should note not to twist it or use a smoldering match or petroleum jelly, as this may cause the tick to release more bacteria into your skin.
Knowing which ticks in Michigan are Lyme disease-carrying is essential since it enables you to take the appropriate precautions. By following the safety precautions outlined, you will be well on your way to living tick-free in your home and its surroundings. To be sure, have a professional knowledgeable about everything related to ticks, pests, and insects inspect your house.
Contact the pest control specialists at Van Den Berge Pest Control at 616-392-7367. We have been voted the best of West Michigan Pest Control companies for eight consecutive years. Let us help you protect your home and property from ticks and other dangerous pests. We’re available to help!
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