You and your family will undoubtedly spend hundreds of hours outside this summer. Those frequent activities will involve walking, hiking, sports, barbecues, bonfires, and just laying out under the sun. Joining you for much of that time will be your pets, so when you put up your defenses to stop the bugs, you’ll also need pet friendly pest control.
The most likely pests that will prey on your four-legged friends include ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes. Slightly similar methods can deter each, but will still need specific action to help ward them away from your animal companions.
Ticks pose a threat to both you and your pets. It is not only humans that can contract Lyme disease, but ticks can transmit Lyme disease to dogs. If a tick goes unnoticed, it increases the chances. The tick needs to be attach to its host for about 36-48 hours for transmission of bacteria, and signs can take up to five months to show up.
Dogs will not develop the typical bull’s eye rash that humans do, so look out for other signs. These can include fever, limping, joint pain, and lethargy. If your dog tests positive for Lyme disease, your veterinarian may put them on antibiotics for about a month.
There are a couple of tips to keep in mind to help prevent ticks from being a threat. First off, when you come back inside, especially after hiking through wooded areas, examine your pet for ticks. If you find one, grip onto it and remove it with a slow and steady pull so you do not break off its mouthpiece. Ticks are quite resilient, so to be sure you have discarded it properly, flush it down the toilet.
Around your house, keep the grass cut low and remove weeds, woodpiles or other debris from the yard. Lawn tick treatments exist, and they usually will focus on targeting the edges of your lawn where it interfaces with a natural area. Also, consult your vet about tick medications.
Noticing the sign that your dog might have fleas is simpler. If your pet is constantly scratching an area, it is possible it is targeting an area where the flea has attached. Fleas have incredible jumping abilities, and can hide in your pet’s fur where it will quickly try to multiply.
Again, prevention is the best way to protect your pet. Bathe your pal regularly, and frequently wash its bedding, collars and toys. It is also important to vacuum your carpets, floors and furniture regularly.
When the mosquito bites a human, there is a risk of it transmitting a disease. The same risk applies with pets, too. Mosquitoes can infect your pet with heartworm disease, which affects thousands of dogs every year. Heartworm is less fatal in cats, but it can still cause problems like weight loss, seizures, and difficulty breathing.
Removing mosquitoes can be difficult, but you can make a sizeable difference by removing the environments they love. Mosquitoes need only an inch of water to lay their eggs, so eliminate any standing water or other sources of moisture around the yard. Keep your windows closed, or be sure there are no holes in your screens, and try to minimize activity outdoors between dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active.
For the health of your pets and protecting them from the worst this summer, talk to your vet. But when it comes to pet friendly pest control, talk to the professionals at Van Den Berge Pest Control. Call us today at 616-392-7367 to learn more about the common pests that can attack your furry friends.
Trust the locally owned, widely renowned experts at Van Den Berge Pest Control for all of your pest needs. With over 100 years of combined experience throughout the Holland, MI-based pest control team, you know you’re in expert hands with our state-certified experts.
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